Junkyard Art

Let’s be humane towards garbage!
Donate your trash to us.
We will accept plastic bags, glass containers, old rubber shoes, old tires, old bicycles for adults, electronic waste, old toys.
And you will see how your garbage looks after artistic interventions at the exhibition.

The collected waste material will be used for the production of art objects as part of the IV Eco Art Festival (July-October 2022), at ecological-art workshops.
You can bring waste material to the premises of the Private Cultural Center “Akvarijus” in Mitrovica (Strahinjića Bana Street 4) or the Children’s Cultural Center “Kaktus” (Braće Čolaković Street 13). Or let us know to come pick it up.
For additional information, you can contact us via Facebook, Instagram, or by calling 0649018260.
The IV Eco Art Festival is organized by “Aquarius” and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.